Frequently Asked Questions

Please Note:  These are not "frequently asked questions". I am typing the questions and the answers so you can get an idea of what I'm doing, what I'm offering, and the basic overview of how you can make money by finding, buying, and flipping properties--land, houses, mobile homes--in Florida or almost anywhere else in the United States for fun and profit. Thank you for understanding.

1. Who are you?

Hi. My name is Michael Kristopher Kemp. I go by the name Kris Kemp. I'm a writer, copywriter, musician, photographer, traveler, and creative entrepreneur. I have a plethora of creative interests that appear to share the common theme of freedom--creative freedom, financial freedom, travel/location freedom, health freedom, and more.

2. If these property-buying strategies are so valuable, why are you sharing this information free to those who subscribe, or charging them such a low price for the e-books?

To answer the first question, because there's hundreds, even thousands, of properties that almost anyone can purchase in the State of Florida. Using similar techniques with some slight modifications this can be done, probably, anywhere in the United States. And this can be done with very little money, with a low credit score, and even using someone else's money. As I enjoy writing, sharing information, and creative projects, I'm assembling this into informative packages so others can learn how to do this, too.

To answer the second question, "why not just keep it to yourself and make a bunch of money"? The first question answers a part of this--there are are a lot of properties--land, houses, mobile homes--that can be purchased on the cheap in Florida, and other states, and there's enough deals and profits to go around and then some. Another reason is that I'm venturing into other creative projects, so am not pursuing real estate investing as much. Also, I intend to travel.

3. Why are you selling this course? Why not just give it away?

Good question. Generally speaking, people tend to value what they pay for. This appears to be the case even with friendships and with relationships. If one person invests a lot into the other person, he, often, tends to value that person that much more.

If this course were free, people may be suspicious, distrustful, treat it with scorn, and not even bother to read through the e-books. Another reason is that there are costs involved: website hosting, domain name purchase, hours of research, typing, possible autoresponder fees, etc.

4. Is this guaranteed to work?

This is not guaranteed. If you put in the time to get a basic overview of how to find, buy, and flip properties in Florida, or anywhere else in the U.S. for fun and profit, you're likely to make some money doing this. If you dedicate about an hour a day, you're likely to see beneficial results.

5. If I do not live in Florida, can I still use this course to find and buy bargain properties in Florida?

Possibly.  You would probably need a person in Florida who could look at the properties, get an idea of the accessed market value, and do other things that require someone to actually be in the area.

6. Bookmark this site for easy reference.

Bookmark this site for easy reference, so you can come back to it at your leisure.

To get started learning the basics of how to find, buy, and flip properties--land, houses, mobile homes--in Florida or, with some modification, anywhere else in the United States, you need to get my e-book, Make Big Profits Flipping Florida Land.  It's an overview of how to do this--find, buy, and flip properties in Florida.

If you want more strategies for making money online and making money with real estate, consider buying The Flip Florida Land E-book Bundle.

The Flip Florida Land E-book Bundle is a one-of-a-kind digital product that offers a variety of resources that provides you the knowledge, the skills, the tools that you can use to make money flipping properties in Florida, or anywhere else in the United States, for fun and profit, and make money online so you can work from anywhere in the world.

Here's where you can get the e-book

With is bundle, you'll also get additional strategies you can use to make money offline, and travel abroad on a budget that will enable you to spend less and experience more.

7. Can't you just find this information on the internet for free?

Probably. Hopefully, the way I've packaged it and discussed it will make it easier to understand, so you can put it together as an action plan, with steps, in order to find properties, get the money to buy them or put them under contract, then flip them or flip the contract for a profit. I lived in North Florida for about a year, used this to earn money, and share my experiences at this website and at this website.  Both of the websites are promoting the e-book, Make Big Profits Flipping Florida Land.

8.  Can I contact you?
Kris Kemp

9.  How can I get a better understanding of how to find, buy, and flip properties--land, houses, mobile homes--in Florida, or anywhere else, with some modification, in the United States?

I put together a massive e-book bundle & video tutorial + bonus content course that you can see at the websites below.  If you want an overview of how to make money online and how to make money flipping properties, visit the links below and bookmark them.  And keep looking at them to see if this is something for you.

Want more?

Discover how to find, buy, and flip properties--land, houses, mobile homes--in Florida or, with some modification, anywhere else in the United States and discover how to make money online so you can work from anywhere!

Click here to get the secrets to real financial freedom!

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